Surgical AI


Large screen AI assistant for gastroenterologists
during colorectal cancer screenings


Verily //
UX lead: large screen UX, audio UX, spatial UX


My Role
Integrated AI capabilities into a large screen UX used in hospital procedure rooms. Drove audio UX as resident expert on the team, led educational workshops. Interviewed clinician expert panels.

The Challenge
How might we enhance gastroenterologists’ procedural workflows safely and efficiently without adding additional burden?

Not only do doctors have very limited time during colonoscopies, their hands, feet, eyes, and ears are already occupied with a multitude of other critical tools.

The Outcome
Safe and effective assistive tool that leveraged both visual and audio modalities and integrated seamlessly into existing procedural workflows and physical environments.

Cross-functional Partners
PM, UXR, regulatory affairs, software engineers, mechanical engineers, hardware engineers, clinical science, gastroenterologists.

Verily launches AI research center in Israel


Details under NDA.