Heart Failure Device


Early stage hardware medical device for remote monitoring of heart failure patients.


Verily //
UX Lead: hardware UX, mobile UX, product strategy, illustration


My Role

  • Lead hardware & software UX designer for end-to-end patient user experiences: device usage, first time use training, measurement flow, device interaction model, instructions for use.

  • Built prototypes with engineers connecting Figma protos to hardware.

  • Collaborated with engineers to spec hardware components (eg display).

  • Drove cross-functional alignment to ensure UX & industrial design were embedded into development.

The Challenge
How might we turn complex device operation into a simple, repeatable, user experience for older adults with physical and cognitive decline?

Usage requirements for this device were constantly shifting. Physical form factor frequently evolved, and user experience with it. Device operation was complex and unforgiving of human error.

The Outcome
Proven technical feasibility via a user-friendly, end-to-end device experience, combined with an intuitive physical form factor.

Cross-functional Partners
PM, industrial design, UXR, content strategy, mechanical, electrical, firmware, human factors, and quality engineers, data science, regulatory affairs.

Heart being monitored at home

Details under NDA.